Doing Business Well in A Hard Market

FREE CE Session for Big  I Members! Driven away from standard carriers by hard market conditions, many insureds (and even some insurance professionals) are encountering the excess and surplus lines market for the first time.   This fast-paced hour is designed to remove some of the mysteries of the E&S market and dealing with wholesalers and brokers.  The session looks briefly at the terminology and basic regulatory underpinnings of the E&S market.  It then turns to how the E&S market functions and when it functions well.  The session then, building on this background, concludes with a series of practical observations about dealing with wholesalers and general agents when accessing excess and surplus lines.


Please note: This course is a live webinar hosted on the GoToWebinar platform. You will be emailed the link and instructions for how to join the session a week before the webinar.

This course has been approved for 1 hour of Indiana CE. 

Sponsored by Arlington/Roe

7/16/2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time
Sign in or create an account to register
Registration ends 7/12/2024 4:00 PM EDT